Saturday, March 14, 2009

Emily Update 3/14/09

As of today Emily is still on the NIPPV (similar to the CPAP) but is back and forth on the verge on being back on the ventilator. The only reason she may end back on the ventilator is just because she is tired, and may need some help. They took her off the photo therapy at least for the moment, but that isn't uncommon for her to be on and off it for a while. She is eating 14 cc of milk every three hours and will be moved up to 16 cc tomorrow. Last night her tummy was a little big and hard so they did an x-ray on it, but it was just air from the NIPPV, because the excess air has to go somewhere. So they are venting her feeding tube in between feedings. In a couple of days they are talking about removing her PICC line, since there is no reason they need it in. All in all everything is doing good. Keeping our fingers crossed.

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