Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Emily Update 3/25/09

Emily Maire is one month old today. She is doing great. They removed the ventilator yesterday, and is now back on CPAP by mouth. With a little (lot) of help from Miss Emily. She is keeping them very busy and on their toes. Emily seems to have many tricks up her little sleeve. She weighs 2 lbs 11 oz. They moved her feedings up again, she is now getting 24 cc of milk every three hours. They are doing a head ultrasound today, checking for white brain mass. The white brain mass is good. It shows the brain is developing like it should. They also are doing a rountine check. And doing what is called a retick count, this will see how fast she is making her own red blood cells. If she is making them at a fast enough rate, then they will leave her alone. But if not then they are talking about another transfusion. We are getting closer to getting her in an open crib. She has to have all leads and tubes taken off of her before that. So we have the CPAP and just the basic leads left. They are talking in about being able to dress her soon, so Mom and me have spent the last two nights getting clothes together for her. Thankfully we have plenty of preemie clothing. Thank you to all who gave them to us. I wanted to use these because by the time she gets home she be in newborn/0-3 monthes. And at 34 weeks they will attempt to feed her through a bottle. She has to be able to take it and keep most of it down for 48 hours before she comes home. Keeping our fingers crossed that she will be home before long.

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